
Enterprise part search has never been easier.

Partium's AI software optimizes after-sales services and MRO processes, enabling efficient management and identification of spare parts. Users can find parts by taking a photo, adding features or descriptions unlocking and combining the true potential of AI, LLMs, QR, and OCR. The software allows navigation through parts lists by categories and hierarchies, streamlining the selection process of industrial parts across various industries.
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Why we invested

Identifying industrial parts has been a daunting challenge. Partium's software streamlines industrial part identification up to 50 times faster than manual searches, accelerating maintenance and sales, and boosting support desk operations. The software deciphers part descriptions, aligning photos with inventory, simplifying orders, minimizing identification errors, saving experts' time, improves team collaboration, while integrating effortlessly with existing systems. The strong technology, the great traction and stickyness of the bussiness, combined with Philip and his leadership team, who have have the necessary domain expertise and the right network to scale Partium, convinced us from the very beginning.


Founded  2020 in Austria
Invested since 2023

Founding Team

Philipp Descovich (CEO)


#digitalization #IndustryTech #AL/ML #software #Saas



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