May 11, 2024

What really counts in life - Ralf Schollenberger, COO of our portfolio firm DC Connected, makes his debut as an author

In his book "Because it's about everything," he shares with us a wonderful story of how to reconnect with your inner self, find happiness and well-being - and focus on what really counts in life.

Ralf, after a successful career as an executive in a well-known DAX company, your focus has shifted to talent, strategy, and start-up development. "Every person can lead a self-determined and content life in harmony with nature," as you say in your book. How did you come to this topic?

In a time when I seemingly had everything - family, a great marriage, wonderful, healthy children, a well-paying job in a leading position at a DAX corporation, good friends - I still felt: something was missing for a happy and content life. That's when I started to delve into the topic of "happiness and contentment."

What did you learn from it?

Honestly, the more I read about happiness and contentment, the more it became clear to me that - despite the advice - I was not permanently and sustainably content.

What does it mean to you to be happy and content?

Being content means to me to be internally balanced. I am content when I desire nothing other than what I have. When I am at peace with the circumstances given and with what I can achieve.

Presumably, many people feel the same. The question is, how does one reach this state of contentment?

Exactly what my book is about. Through a story, I show how we can attain contentment. The narrative is based on insights from many non-fiction books, cultures, regions, and religions. In my experience, things are better remembered when told in stories. That's why I chose to convey my insights through a story.

What led you to write a book about it right away?

The romantic hope of being able to make a difference. I see it as a small impulse that has the potential to initiate change.

Is there really a place in Canada with the wise old shaman where one can rediscover oneself?

Just this much: Parts of the story have happened to me or acquaintances just like that, others are fiction. Which ones? I am happy to hear your guess.

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